Yes, it is actually possible to make money on Instagram. Who knew?

A lot of people know, and a lot of people are doing it.

Here’s how in 5 different strategies:

1 Sell/Promote products that relate to your page theme

Ex. If you consistently post fitness related pictures and get a lot of attention, a supplement company may pay you to start using their products and post about them. Or in other cases, companies may give out free products in exchange for promotion, it all depends on how big of a reach you have!

2 Build an Email/Leads list and refer them to affiliate products provides links to products that other companies are selling, which allows people to paste the links in Emails, posts, bios or whatever other way you can think of. When people click the links and buy the products, you are given a percentage of commission for the sale.  So a large list of leads or emails are important because you can send them the links in advertisements and however else you can think of.

3 Build a Leads list and refer them to your own product

Similar to the last strategy, this one is more beneficial to current business owners.

Ex. If you are a tattoo artist, it would be beneficial to create an account that shows the best tattoos in posts, then include your own art along with the other posts. Once you have a large following, you will have a pretty good idea of people who may be interested in tattoos that you can contact as a lead.

4 Sell your photos to brands that want to use them

Nowadays there are a lot of companies that would rather take images offline to make advertisements rather than photograph their own. This is to your benefit if you take awesome pictures for your Instagram. Websites like Snapvillage, istockphoto, Stockxpert, Fotolia and Shuttrestock are just a few examples of websites where you can make an account and sell your pictures to companies.

5 Create a profile that promotes something, and sell your post space to companies

Ex. Say you live in a city where small food shops are very popular. If you were to make an account that focused on the best food places in the cities and posted photos and reviews, you will eventually become an online critic that many people trust when picking their next food place.Now, you can sell each post for any price you choose to demand based on the amount of people who view and like each post (Some people charge up to 50 for a post!).

Though I brought up 5 strategies, more and more are being thought of all the time. Also, if you are still confused about these brief overviews,  I will be writing a full post of for each topic very soon!